Yes, It’s True: Rosie Can Jump Through Hoops of Fire.

Ok, not really.

But she did learn to sit, lie down, “leave it”, and walk better on the leash and graduated at the top of her training class at PETCO! (I think that’s Summa Cum Laude!) (Shhhh — she was the only one in the class! So?)

And so what if she’s forgotten everything most things?

That’s Rosie’s trainer, Chloe, holding Rosie and her very official diploma. That dog is going places, I tell ya.


How Many Beds is Too Many?

… because Rosie has … um, four. If you count mine as one of hers, which it pretty much is. And she totally hogs it, too. She sleeps diagonally so I am squooshed into the corner in a fetal position with no blankets.

Rosie (and Mr. Bill) in her “official” bed.

And it’s never like I feel I have the right to ask her to move. If I do, I’m always really quiet, so as not to disturb her.

“Um, Rosie, I’m sorry to bother you, but can you please just go over there a little so my face isn’t pressed up against the wall? My lip is literally asleep. I think it’s actually blue.”

No movement, no acknowledgement, not a care in the world.

And you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way.